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FAQs Frequently asked questions

Credits can be used to extend the daily limits on Membership and Subscription licenses. Also, extra services, like download of original, stage 1+, map packs files from online DB, or DTC deletion for not listed ECU, are subject to be paid separately using the credits. Most of these services have symbolic prices, starting from 1 credit. In case that you own a Perpetual License, there is a separate Annual Fee to extend the access to our software support and updates. Please consult our web store to review the pricing.


Yes, you can upgrade your Basic Pack to Standard or Full, or your Standard Pack to Full.
To upgrade, your License must be active.

No. Membership packs can not be upgraded. But, if you renew all months consecutively and convert your license to Perpetual, then you will be able to do so.

Yes, you can upgrade your Basic Pack to Standard or Full, or your Standard Pack to Full.
To upgrade, access to software support and updates must be active.

All packs based in a Subscription license can extend their access to updates and support annually.
If your License is active, when you renew, one year will be added to the date of expiration.
In case your access already expired, you will get one year of updates and support, as soon as you renew, starting when we process your order.

Membership extensions must be done consecutively, without interruption among them.
If you still have access to updates and support, you can renew it (+1 month), counting from the date when it was going to expire.
In case that you fail to renew your access to updates and support in correct time, you will not be able to convert it to a Perpetual license.

If you still have access to updates and support, you can renew it (+1 year), counting from the date when it was going to expire.
In case that your access already expired, you need to buy enough annual fees too make your account active once more. Keep in mind that every annual fee adds 1 year to the date of last expiration.

No, you can not. All subscription licenses can not be sold or transferred.

While license is under membership payment, it isn’t possible to sell or change the owner license.
But, when you convert your membership license to a perpetual license, you will be able to sell it. Please contact us, so we can provide all the help that you need to sell your copy of Swiftec Software.


First of all, you must get approval from us to sell your copy of Swiftec Software to the other person.
We will analyze the information provided by you and your account status in order to be able to transfer it.
At the end of this process you can send all necessary software/hardware parts to the other person.

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