2023-02-14 Swiftec
Episode! Choose your side of the FORCE!

Hello Swiftec Community!
Swiftec Wars on air! Episode already available!
It is time to choose your side of the FORCE! Dark or Light Theme?
2023 started great! Only one week after of the update to Swiftec, where we brought NEW, FRIENDLY & MODERN UI with 700+ new and updated solutions to the software. Our development team almost made the impossible!
According to needs, expectations and suggestions of our customers, we are proud to present Swiftec with a new Light Theme, as well as the most awaited performance improvement and some other important features requested!
Do not wait, discover Swiftec v3! Feel the Force!
You can check our updates in the list below:
Light Theme has been introduced!
*IMPORTANT* Light theme switch can be found in the settings!
*IMPORTANT* To apply changes software restart is required!
*IMPORTANT* Do not forget reset/reconfigure 2D/3D/HEX/MAP colours! 2D View: Datatype information in Cursor field has been added!
MAP View: Saving interpolation checkbox state for Absolute action has been added!
MAP View: Saving interpolation checkbox state for Percentage action has been added!
Project List: Sorting by ASC or DESC has been added!
Toolbar: Normalized toolbar configuration for all of views has been added!
Toolbar: Text labels (can configure in settings) has been added!
General: New progress dialogs has been added!
General: Various detection / recognition functions has been speed optimized!
Checksum Detection: Detection of checksums has been fixed!
2D / HEX Views: Ctrl + Q hotkey to Load Map has been fixed!
HEX View: Alt + Z hotkey to decrease grid width has been fixed!