version 1.106 2007-05-16

Message about correct checksum when it wrong
8bit diffrence view supported in map mode
2d-mode support scrolling by cursor buttons
New buttons in 2d/Hex mode - First/Last Difference
For files with big names added tooltip in status bar
New checksum 'Siemens mini/rover v5' support
Remember swap axis
Checksum 'Bosch BMW CR' supports files 48kb size
Checksum 'Delphi CR' supports now 40kb/128kb/256kb size files
Checksum 'Mercedes Actros F200' supports all types of files with size 256kb
Installer consist all needing dlls now
Hexmode symbols shown only 0-9/A-Z/a-z in 8 bit mode
Default hexmode grid size is 16x40
Big map scrolling
Modified file checksum in status bar now is correct
Checksum 16bit correction working now ok
Checksum 'Bosch Renault F400' make correction on all regions

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